Today officially marks the start of the 2nd trimester! Crazy to think we made it through the first! Thank God it was a pretty easy 13 weeks - no morning sickness, not too much nausea and the exhaustion wasn't too bad! We had our appt with the doctor on Dec. 10th just for a checkup, baby had a heartbeat of 155 and was moving around like crazy! We set a date for the gender ultrasound and it's Jan. 22nd!! Thankfully we have the holidays to keep us occupied until then. Doctor also gave us the ok for all travel, including going to the Virgin Islands to see my mom in February and then to Rome in March!! Fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong and we're able to keep those trips scheduled!!
Joe and I went to Florida for Thanksgiving - it was a pretty easy trip and not too many stops for bathroom breaks :) People thought my bladder was bad before, it's even worse now!
Here's a 13 week belly pic...not much of a change but there's some. I'm having a hard time buttoning my pants (I tried to fit into a pair of my pre-pregnancy skinny-jeans this weekend - HA! That didn't happen, I felt like a sausage :) So every now and then I break out the maternity jeans just to give myself some comfort!