Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Other Side

On Wednesday we left Orlando and headed to Spring Hill for some time with the other side of the family. My mom had come up from the islands and there was going to be a big Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's house. We spent the day at a children's museum in Tampa with all the cousins running around and playing! 

Grandma and Abby

The two granddaughters!

The museum had an area that was a pretend sub shop. The kids had such a great time making subs and pizzas for us!

Cousin Jakey - he made a sandwich for Grandma!!

Mmmmmm Grandma loves felt food!

After the sub shop, the girls went to play veterinarians! Blurry but still cute!

Love the little girl in the cage behind Abigail!

Quality Grandma-Ada time!

This was one of the coolest climbing structures I've ever seen! It was like a suspended net! Abigail surprised me by climbing to the very top!

How cute is this picture of the two girl cousins! Sweet Abby followed Madison around all day trying to keep up!

Maddy loved her cousin Ada! 

Jakey loved driving the fire truck! There was a line of kids waiting and he would just look at them and make a 'vroom' sound!!

He went straight from trucks and fighting fires to planting a garden of flowers!

Grandma helping Jake position the flowers in the best possible arrangement :)

Right outside the museum were fountains...of course we had to let the kids run through!

 Jake stood in the middle of the fountains when the water went down, but was quite surprised when the water shot back up!

Such a silly boy!

While the kids played in the water, Ada found a sweet snowman to sit next to!

Even Madison had a great time playing in the fountains!

Two, too cute, two year olds :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I love the fountain pictures!! Looks like the museum was a blast. I have yet to go, but your pictures make me want to go for a visit. We'll def. go when my sister and her family come in March.